Council Meeting January 17th, 7:00 pm
17jan7:00 pmCouncil Meeting January 17th, 7:00 pm

Event Details
Council Meeting January 17th. Regular Meetings of the Borough Council will be held at 7:00pm during the year 2024, located at: Highlands Municipal Building, 151
Event Details
Council Meeting January 17th. Regular Meetings of the Borough Council will be held at 7:00pm during the year 2024, located at:
Highlands Municipal Building, 151 Navesink Ave., Highlands New Jersey 07732, in the Court Room/Council Chambers.
Formal action will be taken at all Regular meetings. Public comments will be permitted at designated periods during all meetings. Executive Sessions, which are closed to the public, may be held to discuss matters authorized for closed sessions under N.J.S.A. 10:4-12. Executive Session will be held following the Regular Council Meeting during the year 2024. Prior to each Executive Session, the Borough Council will convene in open session at which meetings may be adjourned, rescheduled, or held on different dates providing such are duly noticed as provided by law.
(Wednesday) 7:00 pm