The Department of Administration carries out the laws and policies enacted by the Borough Council. The Administrator directs and coordinates all departments and serves as the Borough Personnel Officer. By ordinance, the Administrator is responsible to the Borough Council for the day to day operations of the entire Borough. Finally, the preparation and implementation of the municipal budget is coordinated through the Department of Administration.
Contact information
Borough Administrator: Michael Muscillo
Phone: (732) 872-1224 x203
Fax: (732) 872-0670
Location: 151 Navesink Ave., Highlands
Borough Clerk & Registrar: Nancy Tran
Phone: (732) 872-1224 x201
Fax: (732) 872-0670
Location: 151 Navesink Ave, Highlands
The Business Administrator is responsible for the day to day operations of the Borough, including:
- Assisting in the preparation of the budget
- Administering a centralized purchasing system
- Developing and administering an effective personnel system
- Prescribing and enforcing rules and regulations for the efficient management of the municipal government
- Maintaining an ongoing review and analysis of budget operations, work programs and costs of municipal services
- As the liaison and appointing authority for the New Jersey Department of Personnel, all personnel records are maintained at the Administrator's Office. In addition, the office processes employment applications, pension enrollments, pension loans and beneficiary changes.
The Administration Department consists of the following:
- Central Purchasing
- Budget Assistance
- Personnel
- Information Technology
- Licensing
- Human Resources
The Municipal Clerk’s Office is entrusted with many important and diverse duties offering varying services to the public.
- Assists public daily.
- Secretary to the Governing Body – responsible for agendas, minutes, ordinances, resolutions and legal ads. Attests signatures of municipal officers and officials. Maintains receipt of legal documents.
- Secretary to the Municipal Corporation – responsible for municipal seal, deeds, bonds, contracts, oaths of office, archival records and attends all meetings of the Governing Body.
- Chief Administrative Officer for all elections and Chief Registrar of Voter Registration – New Registration, Name and Address changes, Absentee Ballot Applications and Political Party Affiliation Declaration Forms.
- Coordinator and Records Manager: Public records may be reviewed and/or copied after filling out an Open Public Records Act (OPRA) form.
- Administrative Officer for acceptance and issuance of licenses, permits and general information.