Weather Notice: 12.17.23 Click below to view the full briefing.
1. Take proper precautions for you, your property and your family. Secure all loose objects around your property.
2. If you are interested in receiving communication with the community via text, voice messaging, and/or email, text 07732 to 888777 and you will be sent login information.
3. Do not drive through flooded waters.
4. Report any power outages directly to JCP&L, 1-888-LIGHTSS (1-888-544-4877)
5. Call 911 to report any downed wires. Assume all downed lines are live and do not approach.
6. High tide on Sunday, December 17, 2023 at Highlands, Shrewsbury River is 11:17 AM and 11:58 PM.
7. High tide on Monday, December 18, 2023 at Highlands, Shrewsbury River is 12:16 PM and 12:57 AM on Tuesday, December 19, 2023.
8. Should your generator be needed, practice generator safety and do not place your generator inside your home.
9. Stay tuned to your local weather channel for updates and changes to the weather.