Pride In Highlands Earth Day
Show your “Pride in Highlands” and join us on April 23rd for this community clean-up day. Many local organizations are getting together to undertake various public area improvement projects.
A waiver must be signed by all participating members. All children under the age 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Scout leaders may serve as a substitute guardian for their troop. Kids 14-17 must bring a signed permission slip and waiver completed by their parent/guardian. Download Waiver on the registration page, found in the ticket tab.
On-line registration is available until April 22nd @ 8PM. You may register in person on the day of event, however you may not be able to choose a project. You will be assigned where needed.
Please bring your own tools as rakes and brooms are limited. Gloves and trash bags will be provided.
Saturday April 23rd
Check-In at Veterans Park, 8AM
Highlands PBA will cook lunch at Veterans Park at 12:30PM Highlands Recreation – Kids Activities 1 – 3PM
We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to an enjoyable experience.
Click here for information on Facebook.
To register online, click here.